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  4. Router Management

Router Management

1. Where can I see which devices are connected to my router from mobile application?
To see the connected device please follow below steps
Step 1:
Go to Router management
Step 2:
Check the "Network Graph"

2. Where my router's IP is located on mobile application?
Please follow below steps
Step 1:
Go to Router Platform
Step 2:
Click on the Master's router icon located on network graph
Step 3:
Check IP in the details

3. Where can I find router/admin password?
Please follow below steps
Step 1:
Go to Router Platform
Step 2:
Check Admin/Router Password at bottom by click on "eye" button

4. In repeater mode internet not working?
You need to check the below details :
1. Check the Wi-Fi SSID password.
2. Check your ISP network.
3. Once set the router to Router mode and then do the Repeater mode again and check.

5. After connecting the mesh unit the internet speed is not proper it disconnect in every 5 to 10 min?
1. Have you checked the internet speed of your primary ISP?
2. Check the power supply board as well once it working fine or not.

6. How can I setup repeater ? Kindly guide me with steps?
Refer the below links for to setup repeater:
1. Setup repeater through Web application
2. Setup repeater through Android application
3. Setup repeater through iOS application

4. Setup repeater through ATV application

7. Will a repeater interfere with any of my other electronics (cordless phones, routers, etc)?
No, a repeater will not cause any interference with other electronic devices.

8. Unable to find the satellite device on XCPEM after mesh
1. Did you reboot the router? and check?
3. Did you factory reset the router?
4. Did you try with Re-pair the mesh again
5. Did you try to upgrade the firmware on Satellite device

9. Unable to see the mesh data?
1. Provide us the gateway UID of master.
2. Did you have check a satellite in your cover area, is it getting internet or not?
3. Is it in the range of the master device. Have you checked?

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