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  4. Cyber Security

Cyber Security

1. How to get detail report of detected Threat ?
You can get the detail report of detected threat through all the platforms.

Steps for Android / IOS app :
Step 1:
Go to Cyber Security
Step 2:
Click on "Total Threats Blocked"
Step 3:
Select threat detected device
Step 4:
Long press on detected threat
Step 5:
Select "Request report" option
Step 6:
Click on "OK"
Step 7:
Check your Mail

Steps for Web app :
Note :
Through the Web application, you can only view the threats detected by the particular devices.
Below are the steps to check the same :
Step 1:
Login on the Web application.
Step 2:
Click on "Parental Control" and provide the "Parental Control PIN," which will redirect you to the "Parental Control Dashboard."
Step 3:
Then, from the left side menu bar, select Threats. Here you will get the details of all the devices with threat detection, which you can only view.

Steps for Android TV :
Step 1:
Go to the dashboard of the ATV.
Step 2:
Select the Cyber Security app.
Step 3:
Now click on Threats. Here you will get the list of devices and the threats detected in it.
Step 4:
long press on the device and click on YES on the message prompt.
Step 5:
You will get the details report of the threat on your registered E-mail in 1 or 2 minutes approx.

2. How can I send Wrong detection request for detected Threat ?

Steps for Android / IOS app:
Step 1:
Go to Cyber Security
Step 2:
Click on "Total Threats Blocked"
Step 3:
Select threat detected device
Step 4:
Long press on detected threat
Step 5:
Select "Wrong detection" option
Step 6:
Click on "OK"

Steps for Web app:
Note :
Through Web Application you can only view the threats detected of the particular devices.
Below are the steps to check the same :
Step 1:
login on the web application.
Step 2:
Click on parental control and provide the parental control pin which will redirect to the parental control dashboard.
Step 3:
Then from the left side menu bar select Threats .Here you will get the details of all the devices with the threat detection which you can only view the same.

Steps for Android TV :
Step 1:
Go to the dashboard of the ATV.
Step 2:
Select the Cyber Security app.
Step 3:
Now click on Threats. Here you will get the list of devices and the threats detected in it.
Step 4:
Long press on the Threat and click on YES on the message prompt.

3. How can I enable Family Shield ?
Note :- You can enable / disable Family shield option only from Web Application.
Below the steps :
Step 1:
Open Web App & Login
Step 2:
Select to "Security" section
Step 3:
Go to "Dashboard"
Step 4:
Check status section
Step 5:
Enable Family Shield

4. The Cyber Security is not responsive on Android & iOS app?
Follow the below points :
1. Kindly check the app version?
2. Kill the app and attempt once again.
3. Share us the video of what the cyber security app is performing.

5. My security score is showing only 2 out of 5 . How should I increase it to 5?
You can increase the security score by following the below points:
1. You need to change the Parental control pin.
2. You need to change the router panel password and Wi-Fi SSID password
3. You need to report malicious websites.

6. Where should I check that there is a threat detected in my mobile app?
You can check the threats in the Cyber security section of the app. Below are the steps :
Step 1:
Login with your credentials in the Android / IOS app.
Step 2:
Click on the Cyber security on the left side navigation menu bar.
Step 3:
Then click on the "Total Threats Blocked".
Step 4:
Click on the device of which you want to check the threats detection.

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