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  3. Platforms
  4. Android TV
  5. Introduction to Smart Home Application on ATV
  6. How To Assign, Unassign, And Reassign Devices To The Room?
  7. Assign The Device To The Room

Assign The Device To The Room

Follow the steps below to assign the device to the room.

Step 1: Select Smart Home

Select Smart Home from the ATV dashboard

Select Smart Home

Step 2: Smart Home Dashboard

Go to the smart home dashboard.

Smart Home Dashboard

Step 3: Edit The Device

Long press on the device you want to assign to the room.

Select “Edit Device”.

Edit The Device

Step 4: Assign to Room

Press "Assigned to Room".

Assign to Room

Step 5: Select Room

Select the room from the drop-down menu.

Here the "Lounge" room is selected.

Select Room

Step 6: Device Assigned Successfully

The device is assigned to the “Lounge” room.

Device Assigned Successfully

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