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  6. Create, Edit, and Delete Automations

Create, Edit, and Delete Automations

As the name suggests, home automation means the customer can control the utilities and other features of their home via the Internet to make their lives more convenient, and even spend less on household bills.

Home automation smart home devices can be controlled through a smartphone application.  Not only homeowners can control their electrical appliances, but they can also manage their home security system too.

Create Automation:

Step 1: Smart Home

Select "Smart Home" from the left menu.

Smart Home

Step 2: Create New Automation

Go to the “Automation” section as shown below.

Select “Add New Automation”.

Create new automation

Step 3: Enter Details

Enter a name for the automation.

Enter details

Step 4: Add Devices For IF Condition

Add device in IF condition under the add more actions.

IF Condition

Step 3: Time Duration

Set the Start time and end time to perform the automation.

Note: Set time is optional.

Time Duration

Step 4: Add Devices In Than Condition

Add device In Than Condition under the add more actions.

Than Condition

Step 5: Save Automation

Set the device's status and click on "Save".

Save Automation

Step 6: Automation Created

You can see that the automation is created successfully.

Automation Created

Edit Automation:

Step 1: Edit Automation

Long Press on the automation: here it is “Test Automation”.

Select “Edit Automation”.

Edit Automation

Step 2: Save Automation

You can edit the automation name, and working time from here.

Select Save after making the changes.

Save Automation

Step 3: Automation Edited Successfully

The automation is edited successfully and the message will flash on the screen as shown below: “The Automation saved successfully”.

Automation edited

Delete Automation:

Step 1: Delete Automation

To delete, long press on the automation and select “Delete Automation”.

Delete automation

Step 2: Confirm The Deletion

Select “Confirm” to delete the automation.

Confirm the deletion

Automation was deleted successfully.

Automation deleted successfully

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