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  6. Create, Edit, and Delete Scenes

Create, Edit, and Delete Scenes

A 'scene' is a combination of smart home controls which are saved under a name for a specific date, time or action.

Scenes can be programmed by the end user. It allows the end user to customize the sequences of technology in their home and tie them together to create an experience

Create Scenes:

Step 1: Smart Home

Select "Smart Home" from the left menu.

Smart home

Step 2: Create New Scene

Go to the 3rd option “Scenes” as shown below.

To create a scene, press “Add New Scene”.

Add new scene

Step 3: Enter Details

Tap on "Scene Type", Select type, and enter the name.

Enter Details

Step 4: Add Device

Add a device from the Device Action section.

Click on "Add to Scene".

Note: You can perform scenes with delayed action too which is optional.

Add to scene

Step 5: Add Scene

Set the device status and click on "Save Scene".

Add Scene

The scene is created successfully.

Scene created

Edit Scenes:

Step 1: Edit Scene

Long press on the Scene and select "Edit Scene".

Edit scene

Step 2: Edit Details

You can edit the name, type, delay, and device for the scene.

Press “Save Scene”.

Edit Details

Step 3: Save Scene

You can see that the scene is edited successfully.

A message appears on the screen “The scene Saved Successfully”.

Save Scene

Delete Scenes:

Step 1: Delete Scene

To delete, long press on the scene.

Select "Delete Scene".

Delete Scenes

Step 2: Confirm Scene Deletion

Select "Confirm" to delete the scene.

Confirm scene deletion

The Scene is deleted successfully.

Scene deleted

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