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  7. How To Create A Scene?

How To Create A Scene?

The Xunison X-home application enables users to create scenes, simplifying home automation. By defining customized actions for various devices, individuals can effortlessly trigger multiple changes simultaneously. This feature streamlines daily routines, such as "Movie Night" or "Goodnight," enhancing convenience and creating personalized experiences within the home environment.

Learn how to create a scene in your smart home by following these simple steps for seamless automation and control.


Log in to your Xunison Application and you will be directed to the home gateway.

Select the home gateway and proceed ahead.

Select the home gateway

Step 1: Smart Home Section

Click on Smart Home from the left navigation bar.

Smart Home Section

Step 2: Scenes

Select 3rd option Scenes from the bottom of your screen.


Select "Add New Scene".

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Here, you can select Scene type.

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Step 3: Scene Type

Tap on "Scene Type", Select type, and enter the scene name.

Scene Type

Step 4: Enter scene name

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Step 5: Add Device

Under the "Add More Actions" section add a device. Click on "Add to Scene".

Note: You can perform scenes with delayed action too which is optional
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Step 6: Add Scene

Click "Save Scene".

(Note: You can change the device state i.e. On/Off, by taping on the device which is added in scenes)
 Add Scene

The scene is added successfully. Click on the scene to activate it.

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Tap on a particular scene to run. A message appears on the screen "Scene activated"

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