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  6. Assign, Unassign, and Reassign devices
  7. How To Unassign A Device From A Room

How To Unassign A Device From A Room


Log in to your Xunison Application and you will be directed to the home gateway.

Select the home gateway and proceed ahead.

Select the home gateway

Follow the steps below to unassign a device from a room.

Step 1: Click on Devices

Click on the "Devices" icon under the smart home section.

Click on Devices

Step 2: Long Press On The Device

Long press on the device, and select "Edit Device".

Long Press On The Device

Step 3: Unassign the Device

Tap on "Room".

Unassign the Device

Step 4: Select "No Room"

Select "No Room" to unassign a device from a room. and click on "Save changes".

Select No Room

The device has been successfully unassigned.

Device Unassigned

Step 5: Confirmation

Click on the Devices icon and you will be able to see that the device "Siren" has been unassigned.


You can also confirm the same by clicking on the "Rooms" icon.

Select the room where the device was assigned to confirm whether the device is unassigned. Here the room was the "Living Room".

Assign device

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